Nahid Raza
Raza was born in Delhi in 1948. Her life in art began in 1966 when her uncle Ali Imam helped her to join the Central Institute. Later, in 1968 she held her first group exhibition whilst she was still a student. In 1969, she won her first
award, the ‘Best Entry Award’ at the Karachi Arts Council. She was deeply inspired by the intricate stone carvings of Sindh, which resulted in her first major landmark works on the Chawkandi Tombs. Soon, the mounting appreciation of her work abroad led to solo exhibitions in Japan, Bangladesh and India. On her return to Karachi in 1987, she began teaching art full-time. In 1992, Raza established Studio Art in Karachi, and for over a decade, nurtured
several promising talents. She was awarded a residency at the New York State University in 1998 and in 2002, her work was displayed in a solo exhibition at the Vienna Museum. In August 2007, Raza was awarded the President’s
Pride of Performance Award, the highest art honour in the country.